Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Not a whole lot to really update you all on at this moment, at this juncture, in this space of time. Things are progressing. Did have a doctor follow up last Thursday 11/12. He thought it all looked good and I was progressing nicely. I was aware beforehand and he reiterated that the graft itself is at it's weakest 2-3 months post surgery. I don't really know all the medical science behind it but as part of the healing process with the graft, it's strong at first, becomes weak, and then begins to strengthen again.  So for now I am in a bit of a holding pattern with what I can and can not do with the knee/leg.  As it is, I still have a few more months to go before I can start to jog again because of the meniscus repair. But I have been using the cycle at the gym at work and will continue to do that. I am progressing to new exercises at physical therapy as I really try to focus on balancing on the leg without having to shift all of my weight over to counter balance. I do a lot of squats, a lot of steps. It's still difficult for me to control my leg going down and I am pushing to get better at that. But otherwise, I am completely crutch free at this point and able to get around to where I need to go. It still has feels, not painful, sometimes sore, but where the left leg just feels like a leg with the absense of feeling, the right leg still feels like, well for lack of a better description, that it got cut open and operated on 2 months ago.

Long story short, I'm progressing. Trying to get my range of motion further along so I can use both legs to go down stairs. Working on leg strength so I can balance better. And feeling a little less worried about the soon to be winter, ice, and snow season. Winter is coming. Oh and I almost don't have to think about what it takes to get out of my car yet, almost.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Getting There

It might take me a while, but I'll get there.  Slowly and surely.

Left the crutch in the car today for first time.  Well, left it in the car yesterday when I got home. I'm still walking with a hitch so I'm not confident to give the crutch up completely. (I should just be walking with a cane but I don't want to spend money on a cane).  Knee definitely feels a little more sore the more I use it. I can get used to that if that's the way it'll be. I suspect the more it heels the the better it'll feel. I'm coming to grips with the fact that several holes were drilled thru it. ha.

At the last PT appointment, was the first time he physically worked on bending my knee more. Oh man that shit hurt so bad. No pain no gain. I know. And I know it needs to bend more. But man, as I laid there and he did his thing, it definitely hurt!  After he was like, how do you feel, and I'm all like great if you don't do that again!  Knew that day was coming, it came.  Will have to brace myself for next time, which is tomorrow at 1.

But anyway, just a quick update that I'm sorta walking now. It's still not pretty. I can almost imagine what it will be like to run again but I'm definitely a few months away from that. I have been getting good at doing the stationary bike, and getting it to revolve all the way around front and back. Still positive that I'll make a full recovery by next summer. Just hoping I won't slip or anything this winter, that would suck!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Trick or Crutch!

Still progressing.  Still using the crutch. Despite having a decent day last week without the crutch, my PT guy basically advised that I should use a cane (or the one crutch) until I can actually walk normal without a hitch. I'm still hitching quite a bit though each day is still getting better. Slowly but surely.  

I had hoped to be able to walk the neighborhood sans crutch for trick or treating over the weekend, but couldn't. I put on my running gear (which was nice since I hadn't in forever :sadface:) and took to the streets with my kids as an "injured" runner!  Hilarious, I know!  It was actually my first time around the loop since the injury. As tired of running the loop as I started to get, I'd do just about anything right now to run it again.  Couple more months.  Got a couple comments about my costume from other parents.  "Costume".  

I'm still icing almost every night and I'm still working on my exercises at home. I've kicked up my PT to go twice a week now. I'm a little frustrated that I'm not further along than I am but I still know that it's part of the process. Can't believe that it's almost been two months since the surgery and that time is still doing it's part. I hope by the end of this month, if not sooner, I'm more confident and comfortable walking. I should be.

There was a couple significant knee injuries in the NFL that I'm keeping my eye open on MRI results today. Hoping for the best for those gentlemen.

"Injured Runner"