Tuesday, August 4, 2015

I Should Have Stayed At Third

Hindsight is everything. If we had the knowledge we have now of course we would make slight and major adjustments over the course of our individual histories. Sometimes life chooses for you. My most drasticly failed worst decision occurred Thursday when I decided to round third and try to score from first on an infield bunt on the second play of the game.

I wasn't sure if Sarah R was safe or not but I was already on third base when they had the ball near first. Never hesitated. You've got to be aggressive. We've been on fire this season scoring runs. I have been scoring every time I've been on base. My slightly younger and/or much faster teammates that have been batting lead off were unavailable so I put myself in that role. I even took four balls to walk to first.

My team's bench was on the third base line and I'm sure they all told me to stay. But there was a chance! I saw it. I went for it. And there came the ball, moments before reaching the box.

I jumped to try to maneuver around it. I thought maybe I could pull off some ballerina shit in the air and it would miss me. Before I was able to display my air-matrix abilities, I had already landed. I immediately said "Fuck" in a tone I never heard myself say before.

I'm doing my best to try to misremember exactly how that felt as I landed on the ground with my body trajectory towards home plate and I'm guessing my foot facing towards first. It felt like the knee just wobbled to the side. I never heard a pop. The ball hit my back left leg right before I landed adding insult to injury as I tumble bumbled out at home!

I got up and tried to shake it off. Joe Steak Madey looked right at me and said "You just tore your ACL". I tried to walk it off. I tried to jog a tiny bit. I walked over to my team and it gave out and put me on the ground. I still wanted to play but it did not feel right. I began icing it immediately. I tried standing up a few innings later and again fell. It never exactly hurt, but I could not stand. I knew something was wrong. I tried not to freak out. I texted my wife. I watched my team give up a pile of runs. I couldn't pitch. I could barely lead. We rally'd but never enough to come back. We lost our first game of the season. I tried to get up to shake hands with the other team, and felt the wobble and fell. I shimmied out on my butt, apologized to our opponents for not being able to go and congratulated them on their victory.

Here's the thing. I would have gone for home 10 times out of 10 in that situation. I tried to catch them sleeping. I made them make a play. And a play, they did make. Sarah turned out to be safe at first. Me, out.

I would want any of my quicker teammates to go for home in that situation too. The jump and lack of grace is the part I would have done over. It's funny. Trying to jump to dodge a tag out has never worked for me. The ball always hits me.

I should have stayed at third, but I didn't. And because of that split second decision, my life has been forever altered! But anyway! It happened and that's that!

Sarah R drove me and my stick shift car home and her sister Katie followed. Katie recommended I go to Bone & Joint the following day. I iced and elevated it for the remainder of the night and fell asleep to the trio of Analyze This, Analyze That, and Twins on Netflix. I had no clue how I was going to make it to my meeting at 9:30am the following morning all the way in Building 1's basement when I worked in Building 3. I certainly didn't own crutches or a motorized cart. I figured I would see how it felt in the morning and go from there. Spoiler, it didn't feel better in the morning.

I decided to start this journal as something I can reflect on to mark my progress. I'll use this as my outlet to talk about what's going on so I don't have to talk about it all the time elsewhere. I'll do my best to keep going with it.  I like writing, won't claim I'm any good at it, but here's something I can write about.

Not a pretty sight! And the definition of doing it wrong!

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